Asset Management

Exclusive services for intensive portfolio management.

  • Exclusive service without conflicting mandates
  • Exit-driven advice focused on labour-intensive portfolios
  • A strong affinity with tenants
  • A data-driven sales strategy, coupled with an in-house sales team

Adding value with creativity and a strong focus on sales
Spring Real Estate provides Dutch asset management services for a select number of clients. The requirements of our clients must match the strength of our organisation. We have a proven track record of managing labour-intensive portfolios, which we facilitate in producing above average returns through smart management, creative concepts and an aggressive rental strategy.

Development of optimal products
Together with our Agency team, we develop the most profitable rental product for each property, in keeping with our client’s portfolio strategy. Amongst which target groups is demand the greatest and which target groups best align with our client’s risk profile? We can provide detailed renovation or rental advice (supported by financial data) based on the client’s requirements, our experience, and bolstered by our comprehensive transaction and market database.

Complete integration with your acquisition and sales strategy
Our Asset Management team is closely interwoven with our Capital Markets team. That means we can put your acquisition strategy into action immediately when opportunities arise. In addition, Spring Real Estate can provide full support in the form of a structured sales process if you intend to sell (elements of) your portfolio. Acquisition of real estate and Sales of real estate contains additional information regarding the acquisition- and distribution process.

Sjors van Iersel MSc

Partner Asset Management

Mounir Riffi MSc

Real Estate Advisor Asset Management